Right to information act kpk in urdu pdf

Mrs. Farah Hamid Khan

Mrs. Farah Hamid Khan

Chief Information Commissioner


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News & Events

English News Coverage

The Frontier Star – RTI held “Kuli Kacheri” for Women of Kohat

September 12, 2024 No Comments

Urdu News Coverage

Daily Aaj, Ausaf, Express, Jehad News (12-09-2024)

September 12, 2024 No Comments

English News Coverage

Today’s Muslim – RTI held “Kuli Kacheri” for Women of Kohat

September 12, 2024 No Comments

What is RTI?

Information Enables you see exactly what the Government is doing. With Information you can, for example ensure that public officials do not overcharge you for a service, once you know what the official fee is;

Hold contractors to account for development schemes such as roads, waterworks etc. Once you know what words they are paid to carry out, you can demand this is done fully and properly.

Find out what happened to your application for Government job and if didn’t get it, why you rejected and someone else were was selected.