Beginner fusion table query. two column location and st_distance

I'm altering a google example template to try to construct a query that finds the nearest location in the table to the user-entered city. And in this example, I just want to output the lat and lon and probably the "id" of the nearest table location to the user-inputted city. First, I'm using my LATITUDE column as location because it's been geocoded in the table as a two-column location. Strangely, when I alerted that variable, it only displays the latitude instead of the lat/lng coordinates. I thought since LATITUDE was acting as a two column location, it would return a lat/lng. So when I run this simple query after pushing the "go" button after entering a city:

 var queryList = []; queryList.push("SELECT LATITUDE,LONGITUDE FROM "); queryList.push(tableid); 

and then alert the values, in the popup window, it works fine:, alerting a lat and lon from the table. what I hoped it would. But when I try to use the st_distance, I don't get any suggestion that it's working.

queryList.push("ORDER BY ST_DISTANCE(LATITUDE, LATLNG("","+coordinate.lng()+")) LIMIT 1"); 
query: < select: 'LATITUDE', from: tableid >, 

but I gathered from the example that I needed to put the second query (acted on when I push go) in an array of sorts, which makes it a bit more complicated. I hope this is a clear enough question. Thanks for any help. Shad