Protection Order - Harassment

Courts may ask for information or additional steps not included in the process outlined on the following pages. The Clerk of the District Court will be responsible for notifying you of any additional local rules. It will be your responsibility to comply with all the local rules as well.

Types of Protection Orders

A person filing a Protection Order will need to first decide what type of Protection Order to file. (Flowchart: Protection Order, How Do I Know What I Need?).

There are three kinds of protection orders:

  1. Domestic Abuse Protection Order: For people who have been in close relationships (relatives, spouses or former spouses, people who have lived or are living together, or who have been in a dating relationship, etc.). It is granted because someone attempted, threatened, caused bodily injury, or intimidated the other person by credible threat, or engaged in sexual contact or sexual penetration without consent.
  2. Sexual Assault Protection Order: This can be filed against a person not related to you. It is granted because someone subjected or attempted to subject you to sexual contact or sexual penetration without consent.
  3. Harassment Protection Order: This can be filed against a person related or not related to you. They require several attempts by phone or personal contact that seriously terrify, threaten, or intimidate you and serve no legitimate purpose. This type of Protection Order cannot be Renewed. Information about a Harassment Protection Order may be found
Getting Started

Getting Started

Information About Filing a Protection Order (Applies to all types of protection orders)

What I Need to Know

What I Need to Know

For me to complete the forms I will need: