High School Statistics and Probability Common Core Resources

Here you will find all high school statistics & probability resources to guide and support mathematics teaching and learning.

These resources are organized by mathematical strand and refer to specific Common Core math content standards.

Inside Problem Solving
Diminishing Return (S-CP.A.2, S-CP.B.8)
Friends You Can Count On (S-CP.A.4, S-CP.A.5, S-CP.B.6)
Party Time (S-CP.A.1, S-CP.B.9, S-CP.B.8)
The Wheel Shop (S-CP.A.1)
Performance Assessment Tasks
Winning Spinners (S-CP.4)

Inside Problem Solving
Game Show (S-MD.A.1, S-MD.A.2, S-MD.A.3) Inside Problem Solving
Through the Grapevine (S-IC.B.4)

In This Section