UCC Financing Statement

UCC Financing Statement (usually called a UCC-1 Form) is a form that creditors file with states in which they have a security interest in a debtor’s personal property. The financial statement serves a similar purpose as recording a deed for real property: registering debt with a state so other creditors and the government can track legitimate security interests in property. Creditors negotiate with debtors to have senior security interests, and with limited exceptions, creditors that file a UCC-1 Form and related documents will rank above other creditors in accessing assets should the debtor become insolvent. However, if they do not file a financial statement, another creditor may negotiate and register a security interest on the same property. In which case, the new creditor likely will rank above the old creditor because there was no warning to the new creditor about the pre-existing security interest. Most states require the same form with limited variations and typically require basic information about the debt including the parties, amounts, contact information, and sometimes extra documentation. New York uses an old UCC-1 Form that has quite a few differences from all other states, however, such as requiring more information on the form and information in an addendum.

Under Article 9 of the UCC, the steps of a secured transaction are 1) getting collateral, 2) attachment, and 3) perfection and priority. Filing UCC Financing Statement is one requirement of the perfection step. Perfection determines which party has priority in the collateral, and gives notice to the public who has secured interests in the collateral and who claims first. However, if a security interest wasn’t attached first, it cannot be perfected. Since the attachment clarifies that the debtor has rights to the collateral, the creditor has extended value to the debtor, and they have a security agreement or authenticated record defining the collateral, without it the creditor’s rights in the debtor’s collateral cannot be enforceable against the debtor and third parties. Once attached, the creditor should choose the following ways to perfect their secured interest.


Perfection can be obtained through the UCC Financing Statement, purchase money security interests (PMSI), and through possession/control.

UCC Financing Statement: